Among this week’s budget papers was a document entitled “Women’s Budget Statement”.

Because there’s so much confusion these days about what a woman is, the Albanese Government provides a helpful explanation.

And spoiler alert, it’s not “adult human female” – the answer Prime Minister Anthony Albanese disingenuously gave to journalist Piers Morgan last week.

The introductory “note about the data”, provides the politically correct definition.

“The majority of the data collected and reported in this Statement relate to sex, not gender. Sex is based upon the person’s sex characteristics, such as their chromosomes, hormones and reproductive organs. Gender is a social and cultural concept. It is about social and cultural differences in identity, expression and experience as a man, woman or

non binary person. This Statement uses the terms women and men in reference to both sex and gender, but the terms female and male are used when presenting data collected on the basis of sex.”

This incoherent word salad essentially means that where the government uses the term “woman”, a mainstream Australian could not be sure that the person being referred to did not have a penis.

But it gets even more confusing.

According to the above, a “female” cannot include a biological male who identifies as female because that is “based on sex”.

Hang on, isn’t that discriminatory and bigoted?

Why is it that a man can identify as a woman and be allowed in women’s toilets but his “womanhood” doesn’t extend to him also identifying as female?

What do the LGBTIQA+ political activists make of this?

The snake is swallowing its own illogical tail.

The “note about the data” goes on to say:

“This Statement endeavours to include data and analysis to demonstrate the outcomes experienced by different groups of women, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, women with disability, women of different ages, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual or other sexually or gender diverse (LGBTQIA+) populations.”

Surely it is the triumph of misogyny and the repudiation of all that feminism has fought for that data on biological males is being included in the “Women’s Budget Statement”.